Portfolio Book Layout

Cover of book has a stab binding for decoration.
Book is meant to read from right to left.

Portfolio Project #6: The Order of Twillotel

Project Description:
The project was to redesign a space to change the way people interacted with, around, or within it.
I chose to redesign a locker and the experience of using one by creating a secret society revolving around one locker.
This secret society uses the locker as a way to recycle and share art supplies that are no longer being used.
So for this project I created a symbol for the secret society, along with hand-made/hand-written letters to distribute to members to push the experience of this society.

I researched the backgrounds of the free masons and the illuminati for inspiration. I wanted something from history to inspire the symbol. I ended up choosing the goddess Athena, who was a goddess of the arts to be the inspiration. She is often symbolised with, and as a specific species of owl known as the Little Owl.
I drew inspiration from greek pottery to create the final symbol.

The name Twillotel is an anagram of Little Owl.

Final Design: